Chapter Twenty-Three

28 Dec


The inside of the mausoleum is colder than out in the graveyard. I could be thinking sane thoughts and blame it on the insulation from the bricks, but I instead believe wholeheartedly that it’s the chill of the dead, the ghosts wrapping their arms around me. While I’ve accepted that I’m a mess, the thought lingers as I dodge the termites creeping around the rotting wood.

This place is disgusting – I’d rather sleep outside. But if someone found me…

The second thoughts start all over again. Running to the police and calling Dad, leaving Tina to waste her innocent life in jail. I could do it right now, if I wanted to. But I don’t know what I want anymore.


The two of us rip off our wigs and toss them aside. My head is itching like one big mosquito bite and I don’t care where it lands.

All I know is that Calvin and I are exhausted. I can only imagine what’s buzzing in his mind. He shouldn’t have been selling those cakes that first day I met him. Then he wouldn’t have been dragged on this stupid, endless quest. He wouldn’t be a runaway right now, just safe in his cozy bed.

A cozy bed. It just makes this place seem colder.


Just when I think things can’t get more eerie, it seems while the two of us were waiting in here for Max we missed this spot. Three blankets and two cups of day-old freezing soup lay beside the tall tombstones. Imagining anyone else sleeping in here just for the fun of it sends rushes up my spine. I hope to God they don’t come tonight.


Of course, as strange as it is, I’m silently grateful for the warm blankets, no matter the terrible condition that they’re in. Like animals, Calvin and I gobble up the half cup of soup. We haven’t eaten anything today except for that – somehow just eating that little bit of food revives my stomach and makes it call for more.


There’s a creepy message left behind by the mystery person, too, in some sort of insane, cryptic language. I’m in the same position as them, though. I have no right to scoff at whatever probably meaningful thing they’ve scribbled for their loved one. If anything, by tomorrow, I’ll be just as crazy as them. If I’m not as crazy already, of course.


“It’s going to be okay,” is the echoing message that comes out in a tremble from Calvin’s lips. Who’s he trying to convince, anyway? Me? Or himself?

“What if Allison did it? What’s going to be okay? Who’s going to be okay? If Max discovers that is was her…and she…does something…?! God, Calvin, why is everything my fault?”


Calmly and quietly, Calvin slips off his pink flip flops and strikes the rough part together as hard as he possibly can by the candle. As if by magic, it lights up.

“Andrea,” he says, carrying out every syllable. “You were dragged into this. It’s not your fault – it’s a big mess that started before you were even born.”

I take a deep breath – I know he’s right.


“Max is strong. Braver than either of us and we both know it. He’ll have a plan for an attack, I’m positive. We don’t even know if he got caught on purpose or not.”

“He should’ve told us if it was deliberate. He would have.” I can hear the echo of my heart beating, or maybe it’s the moans of the dead. Getting into my head, putting these horrible thoughts into my head. Stop it, Andy.

“I’m just telling you, he’ll defend himself. I doubt he’ll eat her food since the murder was poison.”

Sniffling, I give him a weak smile, “He’ll eat from the garden, I bet.”


“You can’t blame yourself for what happened today, though, Andy,” he mutters, staring at our brushing knees.

“I shouldn’t have brought you into this, Calvin. You’re already in trouble, you’re just not caught yet. Your mother will find you eventually.”

“I thought about that while we were hiding. This was done on my own free will. When you fell off the gazebo yesterday, wow, it was only yesterday, but when you fell I had the choice to go home and forget it. Have a full dinner and read some lame etiquette book I got for my birthday.” A pathetic laugh vibrates through the mausoleum.


“But I didn’t,” he continues. “I chose to rescue you with Max. Because I like you, Andy. I like you a lot, and you can’t do this on your own. I’m here for you no matter what and it’s on my own free will. Believe me, please.”


Despite the freezing cold, my cheeks get hot my hands go weak and sweaty. “Oh,” I say in a voice ten times higher pitched than my own.


He carefully takes my hands and lifts me up. Flustered like never before, I comply.


“So then, what are we doing now?” I squeak again.


Calvin purses his lips, like he’s thinking.

Oh, but he’s not thinking.


Suddenly, Calvin’s warm lips touch my forehead, for just a split second. My heart stops, my head speeds up.


And oh so very gingerly, he moves down to my own lips. For just one second, perhaps the most confusing second of my life. Considering this summer, that’s saying a lot.

Right as he pulls away, I spin around to the wall, hoping the bricks will tell me something to do now. A sign. What’s even going on?


Had this been coming for some time now? Had I not noticed because I was too wrapped up in the mystery?

I recall last night. Calvin had put in contacts ‘to impress somebody.’ The only people he saw that day were Max and I. And he certainly wouldn’t have wanted to impress Max. How did I miss this?

Worse yet, how do I feel about it?


But he takes the words right out of my mouth.

“I’m sorry, Andy. Forget about it, I just…I just wanted to. But I shouldn’t have. Best friends?”

I nod hurriedly, thankfully, and stare at my feet the whole time. Real classy.



There’s nothing more we can say after that. We fall asleep to the shrieks of ghosts, the scratches of termites, and the scattering of spiders. As much as my mind tries to force me awake, the rest of me has completely shut down.

21 Responses to “Chapter Twenty-Three”

  1. friendliellama December 28, 2010 at 11:34 pm #

    I knew this would eventually happen! Gah, poor conflicted Andy though :s

    • Amelia December 28, 2010 at 11:38 pm #

      Calvin was surely getting a little closer, a little bolder with his feelings through the past few chapters, that’s for sure.
      but oh yes, a whole new dimension in Andy’s crazed complex. (although this is also somewhat of a setup for aty numero dos) ;D

      • friendliellama December 28, 2010 at 11:42 pm #

        after..twenty years? xD
        (‘member how I said this’d make a great movie? still think that ^u^)

      • Amelia December 28, 2010 at 11:56 pm #

        she’ll be 15/16..not sure what the title’s going to be yet. but I’m having some righteous plotline flashes in my head this week. it’s gonna rock. x]
        I’m starting to agree with you, too. It’s got action, romance, alla that. ;D

  2. friendliellama December 29, 2010 at 12:15 am #

    oh definitely, what with the teen pictures you’ve been posting on Twitter ^u^ and yup yup! can’t wait to see where it ends up ^u^

    woah..just realized..Max will flip.

  3. Thea December 29, 2010 at 12:24 am #

    Young love in the middle of a conflicted mess. That should make this whole thing even more complicated. Love it!

  4. WoWLynnia December 29, 2010 at 3:02 am #

    Omg he kissed her, how adorable!! ^_^;

    ALSO, you’re doing a sequel story when the kids are older?! :O! Really can’t wait to see it (although we all want to know how this crazy mess ends first 😉 )!

    • Amelia December 29, 2010 at 10:35 am #

      <33 I am, though it's going to be VERY different, let me tell you. ;O and yes, I've got to clean up this baby before I get started on the sequel.

  5. Sfe December 29, 2010 at 5:41 am #

    Aaaw, poor Calvin. He’s too brave. When he was first introduced to us I thought of him as more… nerdy (especially considering how he must have been raised by that mother). It turns out he is not nerdy at all though.

    I can’t wait to see what happens to Max!

    • Amelia December 29, 2010 at 10:34 am #

      Calvin’s got his own sort of complex, being raised as who Ms. Maroney wants him to be, and now that she’s been gone for a while, he’s actually breaking out of that.
      I, too, am very much curious as to what’s going on with Max right now. >.<

  6. kittycattylion December 29, 2010 at 7:31 am #

    so. cute. *o*

  7. seaweedy December 29, 2010 at 8:17 am #

    It was both creepy–the mausoleum–and sweet, with the romance. Excellent update and hope you have a Happy New Year!

  8. ay2cee December 29, 2010 at 8:44 am #

    Awww, yes, yes, yes. Andy and Calvin FTW.
    Even though that moment quickly became, aawwwkwwaaaarddd…
    Great update Amelia!

    • Amelia December 29, 2010 at 10:37 am #

      Thanks everybody! n__n
      and innit too cute, the whole moment was just sort of suspended, with the mausoleum and everything. poor Andy, not everyday she gets this kind, or any affection for that matter.

  9. Katie January 1, 2011 at 10:04 pm #

    It’s about time you get another chapter up ^_^ OMG I seriously yelled “FINALLY!” when I read “‘Cause I like you Andy.” Great work, CAN. NOT. Wait for the next chapter 😎

    • Amelia January 2, 2011 at 10:28 am #

      blah, I know! been so busy, even if I still put Andy in front of the Goths. lol, Calvin needed a bit of time, it’s only been a week or two, hasn’t it? x] hopefully soon, though school’s coming back to waste my life in a less fun way. ;P

  10. GongaGonga January 4, 2011 at 10:10 am #

    Ah!! Haha! I am seriously grinning from ear to ear… >.<
    SO. HAPPY.
    But what will Max say, hmm. That is the question. But somehow I can't stay on that topic, because that was WAY TOO CUTE. Haha!

  11. StarSarah January 7, 2011 at 6:24 am #

    Ive just found your legacy – its amazing. You are an awesome writer. Maybe you can check mine out:

    Cant wait for next chapter x

    • Amelia January 8, 2011 at 3:29 pm #

      I’ll be sure to go check out as soon as possible, so glad you’re enjoying ATY. :] next chapter will be short, but it’s coming soon.

  12. Anonymous February 8, 2011 at 12:26 am #

    How did you make em position into that “kiss”? Looks awesome! 🙂 great job as always.

    • Amelia February 8, 2011 at 7:24 am #

      hmm, to be honest I can’t even remember. it was just luck of the posing I guess. :} thank you, wish I could be more of a help!

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